Work Smarter With a Regular Fitness Routine

Sometimes you might feel that your workload makes you too busy to fit a work out in. However, exercise and being physically fit makes you more productive and alert, which could help you succeed in your workplace, whether it’s at home or elsewhere.

It also releases endorphins, which will elevate your sense of happiness all day, giving you more energy while looking and feeling much better. There are a few options available to you if you’d like to incorporate a fitness routine into your schedule:

  • You can buy a monthly membership at a gym if you feel like you have enough free time. Only buy a membership if you know you’ll use it, though, because you don’t want your money to go to waste. Having an obligation to go to the gym and workout may make you more likely to go.
  • Alternatively, if you work long hours, you might not feel like going to the gym before or after work because you won’t want to waste time going to the gym and back. When going to the gym, you might feel like you have no idea what you’re doing and you may feel intimidated. You can pay a personal trainer to help you find a routine that works for you and helps you work towards your goals. If you don’t have the money or time to purchase a membership, you can work out at home.
  • Another option is to buy some materials to use at home like a yoga mat, some dumbbells, and resistance bands. You can follow home workouts on YouTube, and some of the at-home workout sessions only take around 10 minutes. If you don’t want to splurge on workout materials, you can work out on the floor or a towel and you can use objects you find around the house as weights. Doctors say that you should engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.
  • While 30 minutes is not much time, if you’re working long, exhausting hours, then you might not be up to doing physical activity once you get home. If this is the case, and you’re not up for workouts per se, then you can try to take a walk around the office or you could even go outside and take a walk around the building to release endorphins and to get some fresh air. 

Ultimately, exercise is important because it releases endorphins and keeps you healthy.  While finding time to work out may be difficult, there are plenty of other places besides a gym that you can get some good exercise in. Staying fit will help you feel better about both your looks and your mental health overall.

Personally, I have spent the last couple of years adding pieces of exercise equipment to a spare room in my home and I now have a “home gym” that I absolutely LOVE. I use it every day. This is my third year as a “Peaker”, which means that I’ve joined an online exercise and nutrition program called, My Peak Challenge. I love it because the exercises are challenging, there is a daily meal plan, daily exercise plan, daily training videos, yoga alternatives, an amazing virtual community of like-minded people, AND 50% of the money from the membership goes to a variety of charities.

Whatever you choose, enjoy!
