Is Your Royalty Income Going Down?
If you’ve been following my blog posts, you know that I sometimes question my marketing techniques for my books. Should I do free promos? Should I do Kindle countdown deals? Should I just discount to $0.99? If I do free promos, how long should they be?
Without a doubt, the KDP free promos are not nearly as effective as they used to be when I got into publishing on Amazon. You used to be able to publish a book and put it on free promo for a couple of days and it would get downloaded a bazillion times (around #500 free) and then re-enter the Amazon paid ranking system at somewhere under #20,000 depending on the number of downloads you had. Earlier this year, I was noticing that only about 1 in 5 or 10 promos did that well and the others barely got down to under #2,000 in the free store.
During the summer, I’ve been busy working on my Ontario real estate directory, so I’ve been neglecting my kindle books. In fact, I haven’t done a free promo in months. I wasn’t sure they were effective anymore. However, what I did notice is that my Amazon and CreateSpace income had dropped significantly. I’ve actually seen a 50% drop in income on kindle and paperback books since May. So…..I think it’s worth doing free promos again.
I printed a schedule of the rest of the year and the first half of 2017 and set up a system where each book (both perma-free and paid) gets promoted for 2 days every 6 weeks. I set up the promos in the KDP dashboard and then I set them up using KDROI, where I can get my books submitted to multiple sites in just 5 minutes.
Then, I added “set up book promos” to my schedule of things to do each Monday morning so that I can set up the promos for the following Monday through Saturday.
I plan to continue with this strategy and see if my income increases between now and the end of the year. If I start to see a difference, I may look at other promotion sites, such as Ask David and social media.
I’ll keep you posted…