Promoting Your Books on Goodreads
The Goodreads readers are very active with the books that they have read. Also, if a reader of yours reads one of your books on a Kindle, and they click a review (however many stars they choose) it will automatically post on Goodreads.
As an author, you can add your books to your profile, you can post a blog post about your activities, you can correspond with readers in your genre through the various groups, but one of the features I really like are the Listopia lists.
You can access Listopia by clicking on the down arrow in the top navigation beside Explore and Listopia is the second option.
You can like lists, vote on lists, create new lists, and even add your books to lists. One way I have been trying to promote my books is to find at least five Listopia lists that are in niches that are relevant to my book and then adding my book to those lists. I don’t think it can hurt (as long as you choose relevant lists) and I think it gives your books just a bit of a bigger digital “footprint”.
The next time you are looking for ways to promote one (or all) of your books, trying adding it to Listopia.
Happy marketing!
Barb Asselin