Work from Home – Have the Talk With Your Family
Having a work at home business can be easy if you set it up correctly. This will help thwart any issues that might crop up and make the transition smoother.
Talk to your family about your work at home position. Everyone needs to be onboard with the direction that you’re taking. You’ll want to do this because your loved ones might not fully grasp exactly what’s going on.
They might feel that this big change only means that you’re home. They may not understand that the change involves you being home, but also working. Talking to your family will help them see that while you’re there at the home, you’re not always going to be accessible.
With your spouse, you’ll want to let them know that just because you’re there, it doesn’t mean you can stop working to handle stuff around the house all day. You won’t be able to skip a scheduled phone call to take care of an errand, a child, a pet or whatever issue comes up unless it’s an emergency.
Let your spouse know that he or she is still going to have to take care of things if you’re at home. When a spouse pitches in to help, it can take a lot of stress off your shoulders. By letting them know exactly how they can help or how to handle stuff that might come up, you’ll have a plan in place.
Having a plan can prevent reactions to situations. Talk to your children about how life is going to change when your new career is in place. Kids, especially if they’re young, don’t always understand the difference between a parent being home physically and a parent not being available.
Talk to your own parents about the changes that your new career are going to bring into your life. By having a conversation with them, you can help them understand that you’ll still be available to them, but the hours that you can spend with them might be different now.
Share with them that in order to be successful, you do have to stick to a schedule for your working hours. Sometimes siblings or other family members won’t realize that you must have certain boundaries in place in order to establish your new career.
They won’t be able to call you just to chat like they’re used to doing. They also might expect you to keep to the same type of life routine that you used to have, which was similar to theirs.
Explain that your responsibilities and times have changed, so everyone will need to work around that. Most family members are happy to accommodate what’s new in your life.
By explaining to your family how your work routine isn’t the same now, you can cut out the stress that usually involves change.
If you’re interested in starting a work from home business, check out our newest course, available on both Udemy and Tabletwise.
Have a super-productive day!